Rescue our youth from digital distress
Rescue our youth from digital distress in minutes a day by incorporating Ignatian meditation, conscience formation & spiritual discernment found in the Sacred Story Youth program.
Developed over four years and tested with the assistance of primary school educators across the US, Sacred Story Youth is specifically designed for short, eight-minute daily lessons and meditations to help your kids strengthen their spirituality and personal relationship with Christ whether at home, in the classroom, or via remote learning.
-Developed with primary school educators across the US
-For classroom, homeschooling, and general home use
-Simple lessons designed for kids to:
-Develop a daily relationship with Jesus
-Discover Jesus' love for them
-Be introduced to the Ignatian Examen
-Develop attentiveness to the Holy Spirit-
-Take breaks from technology
Sacred Story Youth gives middle school students an opportunity to unplug from their electronic devices and daily stresses and tune into God's love and presence in their lives.
Mary Ruth, Eight Grade Teacher - St Philomena School Des Moines, WA
Bring Peace
Bring Peace to your classroom!
Second Grade Teacher, Serra Catholic School - rancho Santa Margarita, CA
This program will help your child become a deeper thinker, reflective in all areas, prayerful, and caring toward others.
Molly Feeney, First Grade Teacher - St. John School, Seattle, WA
After Recess!
I love the idea of the meditation after recess: it is a good time to ponder the day's activities and personal choices.
Laurie Bryant, Fifth Grade Teacher - Annunciation Catholic Academy, Altamonte Springs, FL
Curriculum Preview
Sacred Story Cross
The Sacred Story Cross was designed by Fr. Bill Watson, S.J. and manufactured for SSI by a toy company in Hong Kong. It works like a Rubik's Cube with the roman numerals for the Ten Commandments and the Letters: CPMME for Creation, Presence, Memory, Mercy & Eternity--the five movements of the Examen the students are learning.
The cross works as a puzzle, a prayer device and a physical aid to learning Sacred Story Youth. It has a loop for connecting to a backpack, too. A fun gift that can go with your students/children, keeping God close to their hearts while also helping them to learn spiritual discernment.
From SSI for $1.99 each plus shipping: